Weather world bids adieu to 2019

The year 2019 probably was one of the best, as far as weather dynamics were concerned. So many interesting and record breaking events occurred. From the Indian context, it was a roller coaster year with many unseasonal phenomenon. A few of them are listed here:

1. Cyclones during monsoon onset & monsoon withdrawal.

2. Super-duper south west monsoon for west coast and central India. 

Satisfactory North east monsoon. The North east monsoon was fully driven by tropical wave activity.

3. Unseasonal rains in many places (especially Maharashtra) during November and December.

4. Super cyclone (Kyaar) in the Arabian Sea.

5. Post monsoon, Arabian Sea becomes quiet and Bay of Bengal roars. 

This year it was opposite; Arabian Sea was super active until the year end. Lowest number of storms in Bay of Bengal, which generally is known for churning storms between October and December.

6. Coldest December on record for North India. Strong Western Disturbance was seen in  the month of December, which is quite unusual.

And last but not the least - the master that shaped 2019 - Strongest Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). 

Not many people knew about it until 2019. But now, I am sure not many will forget this IOD phenomenon, as it has left a mark in the weather world.


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