Monsoon 2019 for Mumbai - A short coverage

MUMBAI MONSOON 2019 PREDICTIONS: Blog post date: May 28, 2019

Mumbai monsoon is not just a season, it's a celebration. The people of Mumbai eagerly await the first showers, which signals the monsoon onset for the city and brings along nice and pleasant weather, abating the summer heat. The blowing breeze and sound of the dripping water make a delightful experience. The countdown begins...

**So, what's in store for the maximum city during Monsoon 2019? Here is my take..**

The onset is slightly delayed, owing to a stall in the monsoon currents. But the monsoon should start progressing again starting today/tomorrow.

I expect the onset to happen between June 12-15.

This slightly delay in the onset has no bearing on the performance of monsoon during June 2019.  The 15 days are more than enough for Mumbai to reach the climatological June average of ~ 523 mm rainfall. Further, the +IOD conditions would most likely give a push to the monsoon in the later half of June. The onset will be a soft one, unlike 2018.

Breaking down Monsoon 2019 for Mumbai:

ONSET between: June 12-15.

(A) June marks the beginning of the monsoon. Average rainfall during this month is ~ 523 mm.

June 2019 - NORMAL RAINS - 500-530 mm rains expected. There is a high chance that June month will experience 1 day of heavy rains (I base this on the fact that once MJO moves into our basin by 1st week of June, it will remain active and may strengthen by 3rd week of June).

(B) July is the rainiest month with an average of ~ 850 mm. I expect us to reach this average.

July 2019 - NORMAL RAINS - 850 mm rains expected. July will see a few days of heavy rains. The monsoon circulation/trough during this month reaches its peak strength. July sees a lot of synoptic systems (e.g. low pressures, depressions etc.) in the Arabian Sea & BoB, which many a times reach Mumbai.

(C) August generally sees rains reducing a bit. Average for August is ~530 mm.

August 2019 - SLIGHT ABOVE NORMAL RAINS ~ 550 mm rains expected. This is based on the fact that El Nino would devolve fully and IOD may reach a peak.

(D) Average for September is ~ 300 mm.

September 2019 - NORMAL RAINS ~ 280 - 300 mm rains expected. Withdrawal symptoms begin and hence the activity starts diminishing.

***NORMAL MONSOON SEASON for MUMBAI with ~ 2200 mm rainfall expected during 

the entire monsoon season from June to September.***

You can follow my twitter handle @SriGMFL

Disclaimer: The content given here are all personal views and the author will not be held responsible or held liable for any oversight or misinterpretation.


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