
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why monsoon is a hard nut to crack?

The infamous Indian monsoon is a bitter-sweet intra-seasonal system known to bring its share of joy and sorrow. Probably one of the very few weather systems world-wide that has such a characteristic. People eagerly look forward to the monsoon showers (that gives respite from the scorching heat) and at the same time dread the fury that it brings along. Monsoon, in short, is an atmosphere-ocean (or air-sea) coupled system that brings widespread rains primarily to the tropical belt. From India's viewpoint, it is indispensable for agriculture and is dubbed as the real " finance minister " of the country. Well, from the basic definition of monsoon, it looks like if we capture the air-sea interactions, then one could have the monsoon dynamics fully figured out. Yes, true, but it comes with a caveat, and not just one...many! Atmosphere and ocean are dynamically controlled by various parameters namely, wind (zonal, meridional, and vertical components), air temperature, pres...